We have all had or are still having the challenge of figuring out what some acronyms mean in the Injustice 2 Mobile community.
For instance, you might join a Discord server but find yourself trying so hard to figure out what something like WQWW or HBHQ means.
Let’s get straight to the point. Here’s a complete and regularly updated list of all the Injustice 2 Mobile roster character acronyms you need to know.
They’re arranged in alphabetical order for you to easily find what you are looking for. The names in bold are in the Legendary class.
Injustice 2 Mobile Character Acronyms
- AAA: Atlantean Armor Aquaman
- AGA: Ace Green Arrow
- AKB: Arkham Knight Batman
- AM: Aquaman
- ASM: Armored Superman
- ATS: Atrocitus
- AWW: Amazon Wonder Woman
- BA: Black Adam
- BB: Blue Beetle
- BC: Black Canary
- BM: Batman
- BMA: Black Manta
- BMR: Blademaster Robin
- BN: Bane
- BNBM: Batman Ninja Batman
- BNCW: Batman Ninja Catwoman
- BNGG: Batman Ninja Gorilla Grodd
- BNHQ: Batman Ninja Harley Quinn
- BNLJ: Batman Ninja Lord Joker
- BNR: Batman Ninja Robin
- BRN: Brainiac
- BWL: Batman Who Laughs
- BWTD: Batwoman The Drowned
- CB: Cyborg
- CBM: Classic Batman
- CC: Captain Cold
- CH: Cheetah
- CWS: Collector of Worlds Superman
- CSM: Classic Superman
- CW: Catwoman
- CWW: Classic Wonder Woman
- DF: Doctor Fate
- DS: Darkseid
- DTS: Deathstroke
- DSG: Dark Supergirl
- DSH: Deadshot
- EGL: Emerald Green Lantern
- ENB: Enraged Bane
- EPI: Entangling Poison Ivy
- ESF: Energized Starfire
- FPI: Flora Poison Ivy
- FS: Firestorm
- GAWW: Golden Armor Wonder Woman
- GA: Green Arrow
- GD: Grid
- GG: Gorilla Grodd
- GL: Green Lantern
- HB: Hellboy
- HBHQ: Heartbreaker Harley Quinn
- HQ: Harley Quinn
- HSC: Horrific Scarecrow
- JLAM: Justice League Aquaman
- JLC: Justice League Cyborg
- JLSM: Justice League Superman
- JLTF: Justice League The Flash
- JSGL: John Stewart Green Lantern
- KBM: Knightmare Batman
- KOAAM: King of Atlantis Aquaman
- LLTJ: Last Laugh The Joker
- MFZ: Mr. Freeze
- MMH: Martian Manhunter
- MTC: Master Thief Catwoman
- MVASG: Multiverse Armored Supergirl
- MVBL: Multiverse Black Lightning
- MVBW: Multiverse Batwoman
- MVCC: Multiverse Captain Cold
- MVGA: Multiverse Green Arrow
- MVSG: Multiverse Supergirl
- MVTF: Multiverse The Flash
- MVWC: Multiverse Black Canary
- MWW: Mythic Wonder Woman
- NW: Nightwing
- PBM: Predator Batman
- PG: Power Girl
- PSG: Powered Supergirl
- PST: Primal Swamp Thing
- RV: Raven
- RB: Robin
- RD: Raiden
- RH: Red Hood
- SB: Silver Banshee
- SBC: Sonic Black Canary
- SC: Scarecrow
- SH: Shazam
- SM: Superman
- SSDF: Soulstealer Doctor Fate
- SSDS: Suicide Squad Deadshot
- SSEN: Suicide Squad Enchantress
- SSHQ: Suicide Squad Harley Quinn
- ST: Swamp Thing
- STF: Speedforce The Flash
- SZ: Subzero
- TF: The Flash
- TGG: Telekinetic Gorilla Grodd
- TJ: The Joker
- TRF: The Reverse Flash
- UHQ: Unhinged Harley Quinn
- UNC: Unbreakable Cyborg
- VX: Vixen
- WQWW: Warrior Queen Wonder Woman
- WW: Wonder Woman
Wrapping It Up
Those are all Injustice 2 Mobile characters available as of April 2022.
No more being left behind in your game chats.
The Injustice 2 Mobile list above will be updated as soon as any new character is added to the game.
Please feel free to point out any errors or information that I may have left out in the comments section below. Enjoy your gaming.